Happy birthday to my amazing dad. Thanks for all your sacrifices to give us a bright future.
Happy birthday to my hero… my dad! You’re the best Dad that anyone could ask for. Wishing you good fortune and health in the upcoming year. Many happy returns of the day, dad.
Daddy, thank you for always loving me unconditionally and incessantly! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, Dad! No matter how much I grow up, you will always be my hero and I, your best buddy!
Happy Birthday to you, Daddy! Thank you for patiently guiding me towards my dreams and lending a hand whenever I needed some support! You are the best!
You mean everything to me. Without you, I could never be the person I am today. Thank you, dad! Happy birthday!
You are the most important person in my life. Thanks for not being a dad only, but being a friend and a mentor. Happy birthday!
You are the world’s most amazing father. Everything I am today is all because you were always there for me. Happy birthday!
You are the umbrella over our family which protects us from every storm of sadness and lightening of sorrow. Happy Birthday Daddy, We love you so much.
You are my true hero! You have always inspired me and continue to do so. Thanks for being my friend rather than just being my dad! Happy Birthday!
Thank you for being the superman in my life. You always made me feel special with your love and care. Happy birthday to you!
You were always there for me whenever I needed your support and advice. You are the coolest dad in the world. Happy birthday!
Happiest Birthday to my old man who can still make me feel safe. Thank you for fighting all the monsters in my dream and real life.
Happy birthday, daddy dearest. I feel proud to call such an amazing, sensible, and funny person my day. Have a blessed day.